Lots of new layouts, exhibitors and clinics at this year’s show, plenty of inspiration upstairs and downstairs!
The team that pulled through – Doug Currie handled clinics, Pete Watson did the contest organizing, and Russ Milland helped with website and some PR matters. David Woodhead rounded up the exhibitors, temporarily managed the day’s finances and got the coffee and snacks for the morning setup. Mark Zagrodney and Jeff Young helped man the door and collect admission fees, and Mark helped with tear down as well. Bruce Leckie opened the hall for setup and closed it after we were all done at the end of the day.
Photos here to tell the story, and see everybody next year!
Our latest event was held on April 21st, 2018 at the Schomberg Community Hall, 325 Main Street, Schomberg, Ontario
For more details, click on these links: